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অষ্টম শ্রেণি (মাধ্যমিক) - English for Today - NCTB BOOK

Sample question for JSC examination
Full marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
Marks for individual items are mentioned next to the test items.


A: Seen part

Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2.

Bangladeshi cuisine is rich and varied with the use of many spices. We have delicious and appetizing food, snacks and sweets.

Boiled rice is our staple food. It is served with a variety of vegetables, curry, lentil soup, fish and meat. Fish is our main source of protein. Fishes are now cultivated in ponds. Also we have fresh-water fishes in the lakes and rivers. More than 40 types of fishes are common. Some of them are carp, rui, katla, magur (catfish), chingri (prawn or shrimp). Shutki or dried fishes are popular. Hilsha is very popular among the people of Bangladesh.

Panta-ilish is a traditional platter of Panta bhat. It is steamed rice soaked in water and served with a fried hilsha slice, often together with dried fish, pickles, lentil soup, green chilies and onion. It is a popular dish on the Pohela Boishakh.

The people of Bangladesh are very fond of sweets. Almost all Bangladeshi women prepare some traditional sweets. Pitha, a type of sweets made from rice flour, sugar, syrup, molasses and sometimes milk, is a traditional food loved by the entire population. During winter Pitha Utsab, meaning pitha festival, is organized by different groups of people.

Sweets are distributed among close relatives when there is good news like births, weddings, promotions, etc.

Sweets of Bangladesh are mostly milk-based. The common ones are roshgolla, sandesh, rasamalai, gulap jamun and cham-cham. There are hundreds of different varieties of sweet preparations. Sweets are therefore an important part of the day-to- day life of Bangladeshi people.


1. Choose the correct answer to each question from the alternatives given and write the corresponding number of the answers in your answer script.

i) The word 'cuisine' in line 1 of the text means-

  1. a style of cooking
  2. a special kind of food
  3. cooking spicy dishes
  4. a combination of different dishes

ii) The words 'appetizing food' in line 1 of the text mean-

  1. expensive food
  2. food that makes you feel hungry
  3. food that is cooked with spices
  4. food that has good nutritional value

iii) The word 'platter' in line 8 of the text means-

  1. a large plate to serve food
  2. a meal served on a large plate
  3. a dish with a variety of food items on it
  4. all of the above

iv) The main source of protein for Bangladeshi people is-

  1. boiled rice
  2. lentil soup
  3. fish
  4. meat

v) Panta bhat is usually served with-

  1. dried fish
  2. green chili and onion
  3. hilsha
  4. all of the above

vi) Panta-ilish is eaten with much festivity

  1. throughout the year
  2. to the wedding guests
  3. on a special day
  4. in winter

vii) A popular food item in winter is

  1. lentil soup
  2. pitha
  3. panta bhat
  4. dried fish

Answers : i) a, ii) b, iii) d, iv) c, v) d, vi) c, vii) b


2. Answer the following questions from your reading of the above text. 

2x4 = 8

     a) Name four fresh water fishes. 

     b) How is panta bhat prepared? 

     c) Name four milk-based sweets. 

     d) Where are most of the fish cultivated?


3. Read the following text and fill in the gaps with appropriate words to make it a meaningful one.
1x5 = 5

In a plane, oxygen and the air pressure are always being monitored. In the event of a lack of oxygen, an oxygen mask will automatically (a) _ in front of you. Pull the mask towards you and (b) _ it firmly over your nose and mouth. Secure the elastic band behind your head, and breathe normally. If you are travelling with a child or someone who requires (c) _ , secure your mask on first, and then help the other person. Keep your mask on until a uniformed crew member advises you to (d) _ it. In the event of an (e)_please assume the bracing position.

Answers : (a) appear (b) place/put (c) assistance/help/support (d)remove (e) emergency


B: Unseen part

Read the following text and answer questions 4 and 5.

Meera is a singer with a great zeal for folk songs. She is a dancer too. She enjoys dancing with folk songs. She performs at national events and also represents our culture in different countries. Besides singing she also studies Computer Science in a university in China. Manosh and Rudro are also two promising folk singers of our time. Manosh passed the S.S.C examination in 2018 when Rudro was a student of class eight. Manosh won the Star Voice Singing competition in 2012 in the folk song category. Rudro won that award in 2015 in the same category. He performed in the Boishakhi open concert at Dhaka University campus in 2016. Both Manosh and Rudro love folk songs because it appeals to our root culture. They believe that folk music can reach the heart of our common people easily. In 2018 Manosh successfully released his first album titled 'Mon Janala'.


4. Complete the table below. Write no more than three words and/or numbers for each answer. 


Meerastudies Computer Sciencein a university in (1) ………………………
Meera(2) ……………………………………..in foreign countries
(3) ……………….was awarded Star Voice Singing competitionin 2012
Rudroappeared in the Boisakhi concertat (4) ………………………………………… in 2016
Manosreleased his maiden album(5) in …………………………………………………..

Answers : (1) China (2) represents our culture (3) Manosh (4) Dhaka University campus (5) 2018


5. Read the passage again and write, whether the statements are true or false. Give correct answers, if the statement is false. 


a) Meera enjoys singing folk songs. 

b) Meera performs at both national and international levels. 

c) Manosh and Rudro won two different awards. 

d) The first album of Manosh was released in the same year when he passed the S.S.C. examination. 

e) The common people of our country love folk songs.


   a) False. Meera enjoys dancing with folk songs. 

   b) True 

   c) False. Manosh and Rudro won the same award.

   d) True 

   e) True


6. Read the text below and fill-in the gaps using the clues given in the boxes. There are more words than necessary. One word can be used once only.
½ X10=5


The Padma Multipurpose Bridge is a mega project in the construction history of Bangladesh. This will connect three districts (a) _. Munshiganj, Shariatpur and Madaripur. With (b)_ connectivity 21 districts of (C)_ south-western part of the (d) _ will come under direct (e) _ with the capital as well (f) _ the whole country. It's total (g) _ is 6.15 kms. and (h) _ is 18.1 meters. It will (i) _ 3.6 billion USD. Bangladesh government (j) _ this huge project.

Answers : (a) namely (b) this (c) the (d) country (e) touch (f) as (g) length (h) width (i) cost (j) finances


7. Read the text below and fill in the gaps using suitable words to make it a meaningful text. 


The sun is the source of all energies. All the living beings (a) _ sunlight directly or indirectly for their (b) _ on this earth. Sunlight (c) _ white as we see it with our naked eyes but the actual (d) _ of sunlight is green. Now, we are going to explain why sunlight looks white (e) _ it is originally green.

Answers: (a) use (b) existence (c) looks (d) colour (e) though


8. Match the part of sentences from columns A and B to make five complete sentences. 


Column AColumn B

a. One day a fisherman

b. Suddenly he saw

c. His wife was very happy

d. The fisherman asked his wife to keep

e. But instead of doing so she

i. to see the coins as the fisherman returned home

ii. began to boast of it before all the friends

iii. a bag full of gold coins in his net

iv. cast his net in the river

v. the find of gold coins a secret

Answers: a. iv, b. iii, c. i, d. v, e. ii


C: Grammar part

9. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with the root words in the brackets adding suitable suffix, prefix or both. ½x10=5

Altaf Mahmud is a musician, (a) _ (culture) activist and a (b) _ (free) fighter of Bangladesh. He took part in the historic Language (c) _ (move) of 1952. He is the (d) _ (compose) of the famous song "Amar Bhaier Rokte Rangano". He wrote that immortal song to honour the language martyrs of 1952. The songs composed and sung by Altaf Mahmud were great source of (e) _ (inspire) to the people who protested against the (f) _ Government. Altaf Mahmud was very (g) _ (brutal) of Pakistani (support) to those who fought for Bangladesh in the Liberation of 1971. He created a camp inside his house to provide (h) _ (accommodate) to them. His (i) _ (patriot) songs were then broadcast from Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendro. He was awarded the Ekushey Padak for his (j) _ (contribute) to Bengali culture and the War ofLiberation. 

Answers : (a) cultural (b) freedom (c) movement (d) composer (e) inspiration (f) brutality (g) supportive (h) accommodation (i) patriotic (j) contribution


10. Fill-in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is used.
½ x10=5

Friendship is one of (a) _ most precious gifts of life. (b)_ person who has true friends in life is lucky enough. Friendship makes (C) _ life thrilling. It is indeed, (d) _ asset in life. True friendship is (e) _ feeling of love, sharing and caring. (f) _ true friends stand by us when we are in trouble. Lasting friendship is indeed, (g) _ blessing. However, it is better to have friends of (h) _ same age group and mentality. In short, friendship is (i) _ essential condition for (j) _ happy life.

Answers : (a) the (b) a (c) x (d) an (e) a (f) x (g) a (h) the  (i) an (j) a


11. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. 


(a) Sylhet is one of the most beautiful districts of Bangladesh. (Make it a comparative sentence). (b) In the 14th century, Saint Hazrat Shah Jalal conquered Sylhet. (Make it a passive sentence). (c) It was declared as a division by the government in 1995. (Make it an active sentence). (d) The vast green tea gardens attract many tourists. (Make it an interrogative sentence). (e) The climate of this place is very fine. (Make it an exclamatory sentence).

Answer : (a) Sylhet is more beautiful than most other districts of Bangladesh. (b) Sylhet was conquered by Saint Hazrat Shah Jalal in the 14th century. (c) The government declared it as a division in 1995. (d) Do the vast green tea gardens attract many tourists? (e) How fine the climate of this place is!


12. Rewrite the following passage changing the form of speech:

"It's so unusual! It's a cold night, but I feel warm now," the Prince said. "It happens when I do something good to help someone," he added. The Queen smiled to look at his son and said "Good night" "Good night" The Prince also smiled and said to his mom. 

Answer : The Prince wondered at the unusual feature of the night because he felt warm even at that time of the cold night. He remarked that it (unusual behavior of the night) happens when he does something good to help someone. The Queen smiled to look at his son and wished him good night. The Prince also smiled at her mom as he said her good night.


13. Use capital letters and punctuation marks as needed in the following passage. 

1/2 X10=5

one day Neela went to see bela her elder sister bela she found her very depressed there Neela asked what happens darling 

Answer : One day Neela went to see Bela, her elder sister. She found her very depressed there. Neela asked, "What happens, darling?"


D: Writing part

14. Suppose you are Rabid and you are in a restaurant with your sister. Make a dialogue between you and the waiter before ordering your meal.


Answer (sample only):

               Waiter                    Can I help you?
               Rabid                      A table for two please.
               Waiter                    You can take this table, sir.
               Rabid                      Thanks, this is a nice corner table.
               Waiter                     Are you ready to order?
               Rabid                      fried rice with chili chicken.
               Waiter                    Anything to drink?
               Rabid                     Just water for me and a lemonade for my sister, please.
               Waiter                    Is that all, sir?
               Rabid                     Yes, I think, that's all for now. Thank You.

15. A social organisation in your locality is hiring some volunteers for a fund raising event. Write an email to the coordinator of that organisation to be a volunteer for the event. The email can be sent to abcd123@charity.org.bd. In your email, you should


  • write a subject line
  • use proper salutation/greetings
  • give a brief introduction of you
  • express your interest for the role of a volunteer
  • mention why you are interested to work as a volunteer
  • write a closing remark, your name, address and phone

Sample answe

To: abcd123@charity.org.bd

Subject: Interested to be a volunteer

Dear sir/madam,

I am a student of class eight at ABC Boys High School, Pabna. I have seen your advertisement about hiring volunteers for your charity event. I am really interested to work as a volunteer for that event.

I always look for opportunities to help the poor and helpless people in our society. Moreover, I enjoy working with like-minded people in a team.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Thanking you,

Mohamad Zaif
123, ...... Road, Pabna


16. Write a paragraph of 250 words on the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear families. Your writing should address the following questions: 


  • What is a nuclear family?
  • What are the advantages of a nuclear family?
  • What are the disadvantages of a nuclear family?
  • What kind of family do you prefer, why?
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